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What is your morning routine?

Having a daily routine isn’t about adding more to your to-do list for the day. It is about creating a morning routine with activities (or stillness) to help you reset and refocus for the day ahead. A solid morning routine will brighten your mood and boost your productivity levels. If you start your morning feeling rushed, expect that feeling to remain with you all day. Practicing a morning routine gets you on track from the moment you wake up and puts you in the right frame of mind to have a successful day.

I set my alarm for 5.30am and I have found the secret to starting your morning right, is to get up right away when your alarm goes off, rather than hitting the snooze button! I then like to go on my treadmill for 20/30 minutes to get some of my steps in before work (you could go for a walk outside). It gets my endorphins going and boosts my mood. I then have my quick cold shower…and enjoy my breakfast with a cup of tea on the sofa before getting ready for work.

Trust me when I say it took me some time to work up to waking up at 5.30am, I never used to be an early bird (just ask my Mum and Dad!) My top tip is to set your alarm 10 or 15 minutes earlier every day and gradually build it up.

Benefits of having a morning routine:

~Promotes better time management

~Provides structure to your day

~Improves your focus and drive

~Reduces stress and anxiety

Love, Georgia x

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