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How can we stay connected?

I think it is safe to say that we have all experienced a feeling of isolation in the past couple of years. I often think back to those challenging times and think, how did we get through it?

We had to find new and different ways to stay connected.

It is important we still make a conscious effort to stay connected. Human beings are social creatures and we need it.

Personally I am so thankful for FaceTime. With my brothers family living in America, it meant we could still stay in contact even though we were over four thousand miles away. 

Connecting with people whether it is family, friends or acquaintances, has great benefits for us as human beings. Apparently studies have shown we can experience an increase in happiness, better health and a longer life. My dad loves a chit chat with strangers on his dog walks!

Ways to stay connected this winter

Reach out to old friends and start a conversation

Video chat- FaceTime/skype/whatsapp video call

If you do not have someone close to keep in touch with, there are plenty of charities that offer friendly regular chats.

Pick up the telephone and call someone- grandchildren, family members, old friends?

Walk to your local park and say hello to someone!

Try a new exercise class

Start a new hobby

I hope this helps one of you!

Love, Georgia x

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