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How are you spending your bank holiday?

I hope everyone has had a great bank holiday weekend. It gives us extra special time with our friends and family. It got me thinking how socialising can enrich our lives…

Even if you class yourself as an ‘introvert’, it’s good to push ourselves out of your comfort zone. We are all social animals on some level. Research proves that people feel happier when interacting with others. Socialising in person is best, but connecting via technology also works. Sometimes it can be challenging keeping in touch with those around us. My mum has always made sure that we always have family dinner together, even with our busy schedules.Try to make time for your loved ones.

Why should we make time for socialising

Brain power- Social contact can help improve our memory.

-A tool for happiness and longevity in life.

-Reduces feelings of loneliness. People that spend a lot of time alone, such as the elderly or new mums, may have an increased risk of depression.

-Surround yourself with people that inspire you. Friends can influence our behaviour, good or bad.

Enjoy your bank holiday weekend and remember, love is really all you need!

Love, Georgia x

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