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Can hobbies improve our well-being?

Since a very young age, I have always had a passion for all things creative and art related. I enjoy painting with watercolour, acrylic and oil paint. I get a lot of my inspiration from where I live, going on walks along the beach, taking pictures of the sea to reference my paintings from. Even with a busy life, I still make time to enjoy being creative, even if it’s just painting a friend’s birthday card. It gives me time to sit down, be patient and slowly paint!

Here are some reasons why we should all take up a hobby

-Group activities encourage relationships with new people

– Less likely to suffer from stress, low mood or depression

-Can make you feel happier and relaxed

-Improve mental health as well as physical health

This week, sit down, be mindful, relax and enjoy the moment.

Love, Georgia x

P.S. This is a painting I have recently completed!

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