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Can you prepare for the unexpected?

There are times when life is easy and everything seems to be going just the way we want it to. But sometimes life can throw some curveballs. Last week I had some very sad news that my Nana wasn’t very well. She lives in Kerry in Ireland, so suddenly my world is turned upside down and I booked a flight to go and see her. My parents had already made the journey, so I had to travel on my own. It was an anxious, scary time, but I reminded myself that my Nana prior to becoming ill would do such journeys all on her own at 87, so I should be able to do this aged 24!

My top tips-

Positive outlook on life- I like the motto, ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade’.

Take a leap of faith- or fake it till you make it!!

Try and think of different perspectives.

Believe in your own power- Try and think of 3 things you can do to improve your circumstances and create a plan of action.

Go with the flow- Life is full of twists and turns. We don’t have control over everything!

Love, Georgia x

P.s. I am pleased to report Nana is slowly improving! Fingers crossed it will continue. 

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