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Do you enjoy learning?

At the Granary Spa we are fully aware how important it is that the staff are kept updated with both in house training and external training. Last week the lovely Lydia from Evolve organics (the products we use) came to the spa to give the team a masterclass in their natural, organic, indulgent product range.

The whole team spent a wonderful afternoon in our beautiful relaxation lounge learning, comparing and exchanging ideas etc. We thoroughly enjoyed it and found it very helpful and beneficial.

Learning can have huge health benefits. It is great for our brains at any age, improving our brain health and memory!

It can also boost our confidence and give us a great sense of achievement.

Learning helps to improve our performance, makes us more motivated and happier people. Even visual learning (think of watching Planet Earth) or a podcast can be a very enjoyable form of learning and we may not even be aware we are actually learning… enjoy!

Love, Georgia x

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